Circolare n.29/2024 relativa alla modifica delle procedure di Ateneo da adottare in caso di allerta meteo

Procedure di Ateneo da adottare in caso di allerta meteo

Link utili Allerta Meteo (Piogge diffuse, Temporali, Nivologica, avvisi rischio vento e mareggiata)

Indicazioni per la prevenzione dai rischi connessi all'esposizione a temperature estreme


The message is dedicated mainly to foreign people

( ma anche a personale che conosce ancora poco Genova)

As you may have noticed, we are entering a rainy season.  We must all be warned that the autumn season may see very heavy rains with flooding potential.  Genoa is at the foot of steep mountains. With certain weather configurations, conditions are created, even in very small areas, that cause persistent thunderstorms that can dump hundreds of mm of rain in a few hours. The torrents then swell very quickly and become very dangerous.  The emblem of these situations is the Bisagno torrent, which runs dry for most of the summer and swells, literally, in a couple of hours, in certain autumn days. The Bisagno and its tributary streams have claimed dozens of victims in past floods. 

It is therefore necessary for everyone to pay the utmost attention to the alerts and recommendations issued by the authorities and relayed by UNIGE's Prevention and Protection Service.